Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) launches Special Campaign 2.0 for Swachhta and Disposal of Pending References

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) launched the Special Campaign 2.0 for Swachhta and Disposal of Pending References. The Campaign is being carried out in the Ministry and its subordinate offices viz. NHAI, NHIDCL, IRC & IAHE. Under the Special Campaign 2.0, the cleanliness drive is being carried out at about 1200 locations including all the Field Offices of MoRTH, NHAI & NHIDCL, Toll Plazas and Way Side Amenities.

Shri GiridharAramane, Secretary, MoRTH administered Swachhta pledge to the officers and staff of this Ministry at Transport Bhawan on this occasion. He called upon all the officers to ensure that pending references under different categories viz. MP references, PMO references, Public Grievances, Parliament Assurances etc. be disposed of during the campaign. He also directed to strictly follow the directions regarding maximum of 4 level of the channel of submission in decision making by Ministry and all its subordinate offices.

NHAI and NHIDCL also administered the cleanliness pledge to all its officers and employees across the country to mark the beginning of the campaign.

Secretary advised the officers to maintain absolute integrity and utmost cleanliness in all official dealings to ensure corruption free system. Officials should be responsive to the needs of the general public and try to resolve their grievances at the earliest. Secretary directed that special efforts be undertaken to keep the NH pot holes free and Right of Ways (RoW) be cleaned during the campaign period.

Secretary acknowledged the contribution of the housekeeping staff for keeping office premises neat and clean and presented them memento. He along with officers and staff gave ‘Shramdaan’ in the premises of Transport Bhawan. He also took round of the Transport Bhavan premises to inspect overall cleanliness.

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